Active Ingredient : 150 g/L Cyprodinil + 100 g/L Fludioxonil
Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)
Package : 500 ml, 300 ml
THEORY is a systemic fungicide with contact action in suspension concentrate form, which is a combination of two different active substances. Fludioxonil, which is one of these two active substances, has contact action and prevents germination of conidia and penetration of the plant by the fungus. The other active substance, cyprodinil, inhibits methionine biosynthesis and is rapidly absorbed by the plant via the leaves and fruits. In the plant, it moves from one surface of the leaves to the other with both upwards movement and translaminar action.
Method Of Application
Flower monilia in cherry: 1st spraying: At the beginning of blossoming (5-10% of flowers); 2nd spraying: Done at full blossoming (90-100% of flowers).
Cucumber white rot (greenhouse): Spraying starts when the first signs of disease are detected. Depending on the ecological conditions and the course of the disease, 2 applications are made with 10-day intervals. Green component spraying should be started after confounding seedlings.
Gray mold in eggplant (greenhouse): It starts when the first signs of disease are seen in the environment, and 2 applications are made with 10-day intervals.
Gray mold in pepper (greenhouse): It starts when the first signs of disease are seen in the environment or when the plants are at the blossoming stage, and 2 applications are made with 10-day intervals.
Gray mold in strawberry: 1st spraying: When 10% of the initial flowers blossom, 2nd spraying: When 50% of the flowers blossom, 3rd spraying: It should be done in the period when the first green fruits are seen.
Gray mold in tomato (greenhouse): Spraying starts when the first signs of the disease is detected, and 2 applications are made with 10-day intervals.
Gray mold in vineyard: First spraying should be done at veraison, and the second one should be carried out 21 says later. Care should be taken for time between the final spraying and harvest.
Compatibility: It can be mixed with many fungicides, but it is necessary to carry out a compatibility test before application.
Detailed Table Information
Cherry | Brown rot of fruit | 100 ml / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Cucumber (Greenhouse) | White rot | 150 ml / 100 L Water | 1 days |
Eggplant (greenhouse) | Gray mold | 150 ml / 100 L Water | 3 days |
Pepper (Greenhouse) | Gray mold | 150 ml / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Strawberry (Field- Greenhouse) | Gray mold | 150 ml / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Tomato (greenhouse) | Gray mold | 150 ml / 100 L Water | 7 days |
Vineyard | Gray mold | 125 ml / 100 L Water | 3 days |